Saturday, July 19, 2008

Some Sapien Discovers Blogspot

Hello World!

I've been around the Internet since just before HTML was invented. However, being who I am, I preferred to stay hidden in the pixelated greenery to avoid attracting the attention of predators.

Sitting on the sidelines of the WWW for so long, I've seen it grow and evolve. I have reached the point where I feel I can explore some of the new tools that are available.

To wit, here I am. I'm stepping out of the greenery... fig leaf in hand to explore this wonderfully wide world. Actually, what I plan to do is to make the digital world part of my real world experience, blending the two together.

I'm not sure what this is going to look like, but it will probably require some "over-sharing" on my part. I will be doing my exploration somewhat anonymously whenever possible. So in the end I will leave a mark in the mud for others to see but my individuality will remain somewhat obscured. Thus I will only refer to myself as Some-Sapien, much in the same way you refer to a person you met on the street who's name you can't quite remember.

I hope you will share this adventure with me. Together we will learn to what it means to be sentient in the modern world.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hello new friend. We are the first two people in blogspot land to have an interest in Working together we can accomplish anything!